BSI certificate profile

BSI certificate profile

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BSI certificate profile
BSI certificate profile
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Entrez le nom de la societe ou le numero de certificat. Resultats limites a 50 enregistrements.

ISO/IEC 27001:2022

64 Rue Jean Rostand

Certificate number IS 744389
Scope Housing, Hosting and outsourcing, in proprietary physical hosting and hybrid cloud mode, of physical and virtual resources, backups, applications and sensitive data, and provision of data services in Software as a Service mode in accordance with the SoA V6.0 dated 04th of December 2023.
Hébergement et infogérance, en mode hébergement physique propriétaire et cloud hybride, virtuelles, sauvegardes, applications et données sensibles ainsi que mise à disposition de services en mode Software as a Service, en application de la DDA V6.0 du 04 Décembre 2023.
Original registration date Effective date Last revision date Expiry date
Original registration date 2021-07-02 Effective date 2024-07-02 Last revision date 2024-07-03 Expiry date 2027-07-01

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